
Megan’s Kitchen Seafood Collection

Everyday Strictly Selected Fresh Seafood

No one can miss fresh seafood at a hotpot meal! Megan’s Kitchen source a wide selection of fresh and seasonal seafood, such as lobster, scallop, abalone, sea clams, crabs and more daily and attentively.

Hotpot Seafood Special

Alaska CrabAustralia Jumbo AbaloneBoston LobsterCanada Geoduck
Canada Mud CrabLocal Nine Holes AbaloneAustralia LobsterJapan Geoduck
Fresh Flower CrabSouth Africa AbaloneLocal LobsterBaby Geoduck
Fresh ShrimpJapanese Big ScallopsUs ConchFresh Leather Jacket Fish
Sea Bamboo PrawnCanada Razor ShellFresh SquidFresh Fish


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